b. 1994, Geneva, Switzerland. Lives and works in London, UK.
Les gorges de l’Arveron, 2021. Casein and oil on canvas, 157 x 200 cm. Courtesy the artist.
Portraying moments of in-between, Augusta Lardy creates images that address the transitivity of being and captures the daily moments of sublime. In Souvenir d’un songe and Les gorges de l’Arveyron, the blend of myriad blue hues creates a ground of landscape altered by layers of time and paint, intimating a soporific feeling. These paintings depict the long-melted entrance of the mouth of the Spring of the Aveyron in 1826, and the local glaciers are soon to be extinct. Tracing through the evolution of romanticism from 18th-19th century traditional landscape painting in parallel to our geological impact on earth, the paintings question how our romantic gaze endured and morphed along with the advent of the industrial revolution, up to nowadays anthropocenic reality.
Contact info@aoraspace.com for any inquiries.