b.1973, Brazil. Box with Fissures, 2014. Boxwood. 280 x 280 x 40 cm. Courtesy of Galeria Millan. 

The wooden surface of Box with Fissures is an investigative arena where artificiality and organicity coexist, which is a common phenomenon that occurs in urban areas. Despite the three dimensionality of the work, Henrique approached making this piece similarly to making a painting. Rather than carving out, he applies strips of wood to creating work. Beyond the arboreal material, the segments that fold within the structure evoke a sense of corporality and topography, embodying multiple organic elements. Countering these biotic elements is the perfectly cut square shape of the work. This suggests a compromise between natural and fabricate. Such juxtaposition questions, can we control life, or is it impossible to do so? 

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